Register your voluntary commitment
Please register your voluntary commitment to implement the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction on this platform.
- Submissions can be done in English only. Please read the Guidelines (for submission) or contact us directly with any questions.
- You will need to sign in with (or register for) a PreventionWeb account to use the Sendai Voluntary Commitments platform.
organizations, academia, science and technology, media, etc. are invited to submit VCs.
Please note: This platform is targeted at multi-stakeholders. Commitments that are solely implemented by national governments or UN agencies should not submit their Voluntary Commitments on this platform.
National governments are requested to submit their commitments to the Sendai Framework Monitor, while UN agencies are requested to report to the UN Plan of Action on DRR for Resilience annually.
National governments and UN agencies may only submit their commitments to the SFVC online platform if their activities are co-implemented by other stakeholders.