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We forge partnerships and empower communities towards building a peaceful and progressive society living in a safe environment.
To build safer environment and resilient communities.
ECOWEB works for harnessing local and indigenous knowledge in responding to climate change and for capacitating communities for disaster preparedness and early warning systems installation to reduce their vulnerability to both natural and human-made hazards. It promotes community-managed and watershed/ecosystems-based approach in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change adaptation and mitigation. And it works for mainstreaming DRR-CCA in local development and land use planning, resource management and in disaster recovery and rehabilitation programming such as in shelter and livelihoods development.
It is the lead organization of the Safer Homes Coalition (SHC) and an active member of the Philippine Federation for Environmental Concerns (PFEC), Mindanao Emergency Response Network (MERN), the Philippine Social Enterprise Network (PhilSEN), among others. Also a member of the Executive Committee of the Beyond 2015 global network. A partner of CAFOD and RFLP-FAO in DRR programming.
.Community-based/managed and watershed/ecosystems-based approach in DRR-CCA;
.DRR mainstreaming in local development, land use planning and livelihoods development;
.Promotion of balancing scientific/evidence-based and the use of indigenous and local knowledge in implementing DRR-CCA
Mainstreaming DRR and CCA in the government local development and land use planning as well as in the natural resource management and in planning for recovery and rehabilitation of communities impacted by disasters. ECOWEB also participated in the consultations leading to the passage of the DRRM law in the Philippines.
Facilitates community-based disaster risk assessment and workshops for establishment of early warning systems including simulations in close cooperation with all relevant local stakeholders. It uses participatory 3-dimensional mapping as a tool for community level disaster risk assessment and planning.
Conducts training, workshops and campaigns on Climate Change and DRR concepts to partner communities, local governments and to the wider public using multi-media.
Promotes watershed/ecosystems-based approach in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation and mitigation and implements projects for community-managed forest protection and rehabilitation and for promoting environment-friendly technologies in farming. It also works with the government and other stakeholders in developing alternative livelihoods for upland dwellers to reduce the pressure on the remaining forest for their survival. For human-made risk factors, ECOWEB also facilitates resource-based conflict transformation and peacebuilding actions.
ECOWEB provides technical assistance or actively participate in the conduct of disaster preparedness planning of partner local government units and promotes participatory process. At the community-level, it facilitates DRR action planning with multi-stakeholder participation. DRR is also being mainstreamed in humanitarian response especially in shelter programming.
Early Warning system and disaster preparedness actions in relation to conflict that also led to disasters in our area of work.
Campaign for mainstreaming DRR in local development and land use planning and for ecosystems-based approach in planning and resource management and development.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.