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Recolectar, generar y difundir conocimientos relacionados con la historia sísmica de Chile, promoviendo iniciativas para la prevención y mitigación del impacto de desastres naturales en la comunidad, a través de acciones de capacitación, investigación y la implementación de tecnologías y protocolos.
Unofficial translation:
Collect, generate, and disseminate knowledge related to the seismic history of Chile, promoting initiatives for the prevention and mitigation of the impact caused by natural disasters in the community through capacity building, research, and the implementation of technologies and protocols.
Voluntary Commitments
The Sendai Framework Commitments (SFVC) online platform serves to incentivize stakeholders to inform the public about their work, to provide a vehicle for sharing commitments and initiatives and for motivation toward the implementation of the Sendai Framework. In turn, UNDRR can monitor and take stock of the progress and impact.
Fundación Alto Río is involved in the following commitments: