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Global Seismic Data (GSD) was established in New Zealand in 2018. Proponents in the development of affordable cloud service solutions that measure seismic activity of buildings and infrastructure. Resulting data is used to flag vulnerabilities, allowing engineers to assess and strengthen structures – providing economic resilience for building owners. In addition alerts are broadcast during a large event to notify stakeholders of a buildings status – protecting lives and allowing businesses to resume as soon as possible after an event.
GSD’s vision is to see businesses and communities benefit from a system of safety by continuing to grow joint venture partnerships locally and globally with engineering companies, telecommunication companies, and insurers.
“We want to enable building owners, property managers, facilities managers along with government local authorities and engineering companies to prepare, be well equipped with a high quality, sustainable valid risk matrix. We want to see lives saved and rapid recovery during large seismic events.”
Voluntary Commitments
The Sendai Framework Commitments (SFVC) online platform serves to incentivize stakeholders to inform the public about their work, to provide a vehicle for sharing commitments and initiatives and for motivation toward the implementation of the Sendai Framework. In turn, UNDRR can monitor and take stock of the progress and impact.
Global Seismic Data is involved in the following commitments: