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RedR India is part of Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief (RedR) International network and a humanitarian, independent voluntary organization with an executive committee composed of persons having a long track record in the field of disaster response, disaster preparedness, rural development, training and humanitarian work.
Mission: A world in which sufficient competent and committed personnel are available and responding to humanitarian needs.
With the recognition that only pro-active disaster risk reduction can safeguard development gains, and expedite progress towards the goals yet to be achieved, RedR India works with the humanitarian community through capacity building, technical support, knowledge building and advocacy for disaster risk reduction.
RedR India has been supporting agencies in the field of community based disaster risk reduction since 2004. Our capacity building work underpins the CBDRR practice of
linking ‘disasters and development’, while supporting learning needs of various stakeholders. Our courses have been designed to improve the effectiveness of specialists and non-specialists in disaster response and risk reduction, helping them to draw out these links in a sustainable manner.
DRR is mainstreamed into the entire range of RedR India’s training courses, marking a shift from community based disaster preparedness to community based disaster risk reduction.
RedR India training courses and projects have been instrumental in reaching out to district, state and national governments on DRR. In the recent past, we have trained senior officials from the State Disaster Management Authority in Chhattisgarh on essentials of humanitarian practice, officials from 6 government departments, on the sector-specific DRR in Madhya Pradesh, and medical officers in Bihar on public health flood preparedness. Additionally, our members' engagement in projects like mapping the capacity of PHED in Assam, Child Rights/Risks Analysis in West Bengal, and events like DRR Conference and SAARC Summit for Children in Emergencies continues to push the DRR agenda at different levels.
Building the capacities of agencies, humanitarian workers and communities for identifying and analyzing disaster risks is a key component of RedR’s capacity building work. This is done through training courses, both standard and bespoke;; provision of hand-holding support to organizations and their partners for hazard vulnerability and customised projects like capacity analysis, as was done for Concern Worldwide; systematic research like Child Rights/Risks Analysis for Save the Children; or knowledge products like the Participatory Disaster Risk Analysis manual made for Plan India.
Combining multi-sectoral expertise, technical experience, and extensive humanitarian and DRR analysis, RedR India collaborates with partners world-wide to help them meet emerging disaster risks and humanitarian priorities through capacity building, technical support on DRR programme planning, project design and implementation, contingency planning and, context analysis and reviews for mainstreaming DRR. Our work has supported organisations like Focus, AKDN, TDH, Save the Children, Plan, UNICEF, and Oxfam across different geographies and cultures.
RedR India’s approach to its capacity building and projects takes communities and stakeholders through a reflective experience of engaging with changing patterns of vulnerability and hazards, along with training in basic skills of disaster response.
In 2011, RedR India developed a model of intervention for mainstreaming community based disaster risk reduction within the framework of Terre de Hommes' ongoing Mother and Child Health Projects in India (Sunderbans, West Bengal) and Bangladesh (Borguna and Kurigram districts). This was done through extensive field work in the operational areas, documentation, and analysis of the disaster management context, development of logical frameworks and concept notes.
In Chhattisgarh, central India, RedR India has been supporting UNICEF's Civil Strife Response and Recovery programme for over 6 years. RedR India has undertaken context and security analysis, WaSH programming and implementation, capacity building on WaSH and, monitoring and management of health programmes.
RedR’s work in the past has contributed to strengthening the capacities of communities, organisations, and government departments for effective response. This includes facilitating the development of Contingency Plans (Oxfam Novib, Oxfam India); operationalising Standard Operating Procedures (BRAC); simulation exercises (WaSH Cluster Simulation, UNICEF); and Community-based Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) for Focus, AKDN, Save the Children and Oxfam; in
addition to our standard and bespoke training courses.
The Sendai Framework Voluntary Commitments (SFVC) online platform allows stakeholders to inform the public about their work on DRR. The SFVC online platform is a useful toolto know who is doing what and where for the implementation of the Sendai Framework, which could foster potential collaboration among stakeholders. All stakeholders (private sector, civil society organizations, academia, media, local governments, etc.) working on DRR can submit their commitments and report on their progress and deliverables.