City-to-city learning between Sendai and Ulaanbaatar
The workshop aims to contribute to urban resilience efforts in Mongolia and Japan by facilitating information exchange and peer learning.
As part of the Making Cities Resilience (MCR2030) initiative, this workshop aims to facilitate city-to-city experience sharing and peer-to-peer learning between MCR2030 member cities in Japan and Mongolia. It also fosters exchange of good practices with regards to activities and challenges in disaster risk reduction and mitigation.
Government officials and disaster management experts from Ulaanbaatar City (Mongolia) and Sendai City (Japan) discuss respective activities in disaster resilience, and share their respective efforts and challenges in disaster risk reduction. These presentations are followed by discussions to exchange views and opinions among participants.
The following themes are presented and discussed in the workshop:
• Planning and Investment
• Early Warning and Training
• Emergency Command Center Operations
Did the Sendai Framework change or contribute to changes in your activities/organization? If so, how?
Sendai City and Ulaanbaatar City are both active members of the MCR2030, which is a global partnership that supports cities in their efforts towards resilience and sustainability. In doing so, these local governments have taken a step towards becoming inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable by 2030 contributing directly to the achievement of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. In particular, the MCR2030 contribute to Target E, which measures the adoption and implementation of local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national strategies.
What led you to make this commitment/initiative?
What was your position before making this Voluntary Commitment / prior to the Sendai Framework?
The Sendai Framework emphasizes the need of exchanges and cross learning among stakeholders, including local governments. As part of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, UNDRR ONEA-GETI and UNDRR Kobe Office have continuously supported cross-learning among stakeholders on DRR and promote the implementation of the Sendai Framework by working with various stakeholders.
Deliverables and Progress report
Deliverables are the end-products of the initiative/commitment, which can include issuance of publications or knowledge products, outcomes of workshops, training programs, videos, links, photographs, etc.
The workshop facilitates peer-to-peer learning between local officials from Japan and local officials from Mongolia through sharing of good practices.
Organizations and focal points
Implementing Organization(s)
- 仙台市(宮城県) Sendai City
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Office in Incheon for Northeast Asia and Global Education and Training Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction
- United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - Kobe Office