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ECO-Nepal is a non-profit making national NGO working in the field of environment, climate change adaptation and disaster management. It is one of the oldest NGO working in the field of environment conservation, disaster risk management in the country and specializing in raising the mass awareness through collective media – print, radio and television in order to outreach wide range of people from grass-root to national level across the country.
To aware and empower the people to ensure the secured future through wise use of natural resources maintaining sustainable environment deducting poverty and disaster risk reduction.
Voluntary Commitments
The Sendai Framework Commitments (SFVC) online platform serves to incentivize stakeholders to inform the public about their work, to provide a vehicle for sharing commitments and initiatives and for motivation toward the implementation of the Sendai Framework. In turn, UNDRR can monitor and take stock of the progress and impact.
Environment and Child Concern Organization is involved in the following commitments: