Enhance Disaster Governance at National, Sub-national, Local level in Nepal
Provincial Government of Province 1, Nepal is going to formulate key policy documents as Disaster Resilient Policy, Strategic Action Plan, Disaster Response Framework, and Disaster Impact Assessment Guideline in the year 2019.
ECO-Nepal, the NGO working on disaster management since 2000, provides technical support for developing DM guidelines and mapping the area, process and methods of DRR into development planning to the concern agencies in Nepal. ECO-Nepal would like to explore the best option of disaster governance through the development of policy, strategic action plan, disaster impact assessment guideline, disaster and climate resilient plan (LDCRP) for mainstreaming DRR into regular development planning and implementation process for safer future of the country previously based on HFA and now incorporating the SFDRR. Nepal is facing multi-disciplinary impact of large scale disasters such as flood, landslide, drought, earthquake, fire and wild fire, wild animal attack (especially monkey around the country), thunderbolt, hailstorm and glacier lake outburst flood in a regular basis. Though the entire country is highly prone to Earthquake, its catastrophe has not been given proper attention. Earthquakes observed in 1935, 1988, 1993 and Gorkha earthquake 2015 stood as the most devastating. Province 1 of Nepal lies in the eastern part of Nepal which is suffering all of the above natural hazards and disaster. In this connection, the Government of Nepal (GoN) has endorsed the new Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act, 2017 with provision of establishment of National DRR and M Authority. Similarly, GoN formulated the National DRR Policy and Strategic Action Plan (2018-2030) based on the SFDRR. Provincial Government of Province 1, Nepal is going to formulate key policy documents as Disaster Resilient Policy, Strategic Action Plan, Disaster Response Framework, and Disaster Impact Assessment Guideline in the year 2019. ECO-Nepal is working as a technical partner and secretariat in the formulation of these documents in partnership with UN agencies, donor and INGOs working in Nepal. Similarly, ECO-Nepal is supporting the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the Provincial Emergency Operation Center (PEOC) and Disaster Response Center (DRC). The Province government is establishing a PEOC and 3 DRC in the partnership of local government and development partners.
Did the Sendai Framework change or contribute to changes in your activities/organization? If so, how?
Yes, the Sendai Frame contributed to change our previous activities on disaster and climate resilient development plan and humanitarian support in the emergency. For example, the shift in the focus from managing disasters to preventing risk facilitates the work on enhancing disaster risk governance. The emphasis in the activities of our organization has also changed accordingly.
What led you to make this commitment/initiative?
What was your position before making this Voluntary Commitment / prior to the Sendai Framework?
ECO-Nepal appointed for technical support and secretariat of the Ministry of Internal Affair and Law of Province 1 in this programme. Similarly, ECO-Nepal is targeting to capacitate 137 local level entities on LDCRP formulation and implementation.
Deliverables and Progress report
Deliverables are the end-products of the initiative/commitment, which can include issuance of publications or knowledge products, outcomes of workshops, training programs, videos, links, photographs, etc.
This policy has been developed based on DFDRR and National DRR Policy with specific need of the province 1. It indicates the Preamble, Vision, Mission, Goal and objective, Guidance Principles, Policy action, Implementation and review and update are the major component in the policy. (This document is in Nepali which will translate in the future)
This strategic Action Plan is develop based on SFDRR and Federal Action Plan of Nepal. It focuses on how to mainstream DRR into regular development planning and implementation process as well as for mitigation, preparedness for response and recovery.
This is the framework that can guide a more effective and coordinated response in case of any kinds of disaster. The main purpose of this framework is to develop a clear, concise and comprehensive disaster response and preparedness.
The guideline aims to support for the disaster resilience development in the regular planning and implementation process. This guideline will attribute for IEE and EIA process for sustainable development too. It focuses on disaster risk assessment to reduce the impact of risk into an acceptance level as a routine part of development planning and resource allocation. This means instilling the culture of applying disaster risk assessment as an analytical and decision-making framework at all levels of governments. This is the first kind of innovative instrument adopted in Nepal with an aim to build a resilient society.
Porgress report
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Law of Province number 1, Nepal, organized 14 districts level consultation, 5 thematic group consultation and 2 province level wider workshop in the support of funding organizations. ECO-Nepal was responsible to secretariat and technical support of the programme. All consultations and workshops provide suggestion/input and feedback for the targeted documents.
The workshop and consultations were completed as a process of document formulation. Now, Disaster Resilience Policy and Disaster Resilience Strategic Action Plan.